Erudit AI Metrics Glossary

What does “burnout” or “satisfaction” mean when it comes to measuring workforce initiatives, anyway? Step into our Erudit platform glossary.

Developed by psychologists, Erudit’s 40+ employee experience metrics help HR leaders keep a pulse on the factors leading to engagement, burnout risk, and turnover with more clarity than trusting your gut (or surveys).

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Wellbeing Metrics

Burnout Risk

The likelihood of an individual experiencing a state of chronic physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion from prolonged exposure to stress and excessive workloads. 

Signs and symptoms: Decreased motivation, reduced productivity, cynicism, detachment, and a sense of hopelessness. 

Contributing factors: High job demands, low job autonomy, insufficient social support, poor work-life balance, and a lack of personal and professional resources. 


The degree to which an employee feels emotionally connected, committed, and involved with their job and organization. 

Signs and symptoms: High levels of enthusiasm, dedication, and motivation, leading to increased productivity and overall performance. 

Contributing factors: Effective leadership, clear communication, recognition, opportunities for growth and development, and a supportive work culture. 

Low engagement can lead to higher burnout and turnover.

Turnover Risk

The likelihood of an individual leaving their current job or organization. 

Signs and symptoms: High turnover

Contributing factors: Satisfaction, conditions, well-being state, management, or growing opportunities. 

High employee turnover can lead to higher recruiting and training costs, loss of organizational knowledge, reduced productivity, and lower morale among remaining employees.

Dimensions & sub-dimensions


The ability of employees to exercise control and influence over their own job and performance. The employee's actions come from their own decisions rather than external pressure. 

Autonomy can occur at varying levels, from individual tasks to timing and method of actions. While roles, team structure, and more can impact what autonomy means to each individual, it’s important for every employee to operate with some level of independence at work.

Sub-metrics associated with autonomy: 


  • Increased independence allows employees to make decisions, solve problems, and manage their tasks without excessive oversight. It fosters a sense of ownership and personal responsibility.


  • When employees independently carry out their tasks, make decisions, and solve problems, employees get the freedom and trust to efficiently achieve their goals and contribute to the overall success of the organization.


The understanding of the company's goals, objectives, and practices at all levels. It’s a shared understanding of interdependent systems, practices, and routines that, if possessed and promoted from the highest levels, increases the likelihood of achieving goals and leads to the best performance of the organization. It’s related to productivity at the individual level and employee engagement.

Sub-metrics associated with alignment: 


  • The clear communication and understanding of goals, expectations, and roles among team members. Increased clarity fosters collaboration and productivity.


  • The consensus or shared understanding among team members on goals, tasks, roles, and decisions, promoting a cohesive and harmonious work environment.

Meaningful Work 

An employee's perception that performed duties are important, significant, and contributes to their personal and professional development. This perception is accompanied by a sense of fulfillment that goes beyond the work itself, which can contribute to personal growth. When work is considered meaningful, employees find satisfaction and give their best. 

The opposite is perceiving work as useless or insignificant, which can lead employees to a state of alienation or dissociation from the job and the organization.

Sub-metrics associated with meaningful work: 


  • The sense of significance and impact that employees feel their roles and tasks have. This contributes to a larger mission or goal, which fosters motivation, engagement, and job satisfaction.


  • The perspectives and insights that employees have on the significance and impact of their roles and tasks.

Organizational Support 

Employee perception that their employer will contribute to their personal well-being and provide resources to carry out their work under optimal conditions. This support can come from colleagues, superiors, or company policies. 

An employee who believes that their organization provides support tends to be more motivated and will have a better attitude towards their job. An employee who does not feel supported may have a decrease in productivity or reach high levels of dissatisfaction and stress.

Sub-metrics associated with organizational support: 


  • The guidance, resources, help, and encouragement provided by managers or supervisors to help employees succeed in their roles. This includes setting clear expectations, offering feedback, and recognizing achievements. This contributes to employee motivation, engagement, and growth.


  • This involves the collaboration, assistance, and encouragement that team members provide to each other in achieving individual and group goals. This can take the form of knowledge-sharing, mentoring, and camaraderie. It fosters a sense of belonging and builds a cooperative work environment.


  • The open, transparent, and effective exchange of information, ideas, and feedback within the organization. Clear communication ensures that employees understand expectations, receive necessary updates, and feel heard. This leads to a strong and aligned workplace culture.

Peer Relationships 

Refers to whether formal and informal relationships in the workplace are good, collaborative, and rewarding. 

Optimal peer relationships benefit health and well-being overall, especially when an employee and their coworkers positively interact and share information, experiences, and support. When relationships are not so good, dissatisfaction and a lack of collaboration can affect performance.

Sub-metrics associated with peer relationships: 

Social Environment

  • The interpersonal dynamics, interactions, and overall atmosphere among colleagues. A positive social environment is characterized by trust, respect, and open communication. This fosters collaboration, job satisfaction, and employee well-being.


  • The general mindset, disposition, or emotional outlook that employees have towards their colleagues. Positive attitudes in the workplace can contribute to a supportive and respectful social environment. They promote cooperation, effective problem-solving, and a more enjoyable work experience.

Physical Environment 

Relates to how the work environment helps employees perform their tasks and contributes to their well-being. Some factors that contribute are the furniture, office layout, lighting, and even temperature. Each employee’s space and the dedicated areas for socializing or working equipment make up the physical environment. Virtual work environments come into play and inevitably play a bigger role with hybrid and remote workforces. 

A responsive and ergonomic design helps employees feel like their best self, while poor physical environments can lead to decreased productivity.

Sub-metrics associated with physical environment: 

Personal space

  • The physical environment that the employee works in. This may be in the company office or at home and includes the space where the majority of work takes place.

Office environment

  • The general state of the workplace. Includes things that affect work productivity in a positive or negative way. It may also affect the general well-being of employees.

Tech equipment

  • The quality or efficiency of equipment used to work, such as computers, telephones and wifi. This can significantly affect the productivity of the employee, especially for those working remotely. 

Professional Growth 

The employee's perception that their job and the tasks they perform contribute to their career development, growth, and learning. It implies that the employee has opportunities to advance in their career and achieve their professional goals. When a job doesn’t allow professional growth, employees may want to leave if they’re dissatisfied and unmotivated. 

Sub-metrics associated with professional growth: 


  • The process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, and abilities through training, mentorship and hands-on experience. Continuous learning helps employees stay up-to-date with industry trends, adapt to changes, and advance in their careers, ultimately benefiting the organization's overall performance.


  • The ongoing development and adaptation of employees as they progress in their careers. This encompasses the acquisition of new skills, and personal growth, such as improved decision-making, leadership abilities, and emotional intelligence. A supportive workplace that encourages employee evolution fosters a culture of continuous improvement and drives long-term success.


  • The sense of achievement, satisfaction, and meaning that employees experience as they develop their skills, advance in their careers, and contribute to their organization's success. A fulfilling work environment supports employees' personal and professional aspirations, leading to increased motivation, engagement, and overall job satisfaction

Reward and Recognition 

Contributing to employee motivation and engagement, rewards give tangible or measurable compensation for meeting specific goals and outcomes. Recognition goes beyond specific rewards and encompasses the appreciation of the person and their contribution to the organization. Together, they help an employee feel valued at the company. 

Impacts feelings of appreciation, performance, motivation, and job satisfaction.

Sub-metrics associated with reward and recognition: 


  • Tangible or financial incentives provided to employees for their performance, such as bonuses, pay raises, promotions, or benefits. These incentives aim to motivate and retain top talent while reinforcing desired behaviors and outcomes.


  • Focuses on the non-financial or intangible aspects of appreciation, such as verbal praise, public acknowledgment, or awards. It highlights an employee's accomplishments, efforts, or positive impact on the team or organization. It boosts morale, motivation, and overall job satisfaction.


The state in which an employee perceives that their needs are fulfilled and finds pleasure in performing their job. It can be related to conditions, personal and work relationships, or the tasks themselves. 

Satisfaction is related to high levels of commitment and motivation. Dissatisfaction can affect performance or the probability of remaining with the organization.

Sub-metrics associated with satisfaction: 


  • The physical, emotional, and organizational environment in which employees work as well as the terms of their contract.  Satisfactory working conditions contribute to employee well-being, productivity, and overall job satisfaction.


  • The interactions and connections between employees, including those with peers, supervisors, and subordinates. Positive and supportive relationships, characterized by trust, respect, and open communication, can significantly impact employee satisfaction, leading to a more engaged and collaborative work environment.

Work satisfaction

  • The tasks, responsibilities, and challenges that employees face in their roles. Job satisfaction is influenced by factors such as the alignment of work with personal interests, the level of autonomy, the sense of purpose or impact, and opportunities for growth and development. Satisfying work can lead to increased motivation, engagement, and commitment to an organization.


The employee's ability to handle the workload. This concept is influenced by both the employee's personal resources and the workload imposed by the organization. 

Insufficient or excessive workloads can negatively affect an employee’s execution, potentially leading to more serious problems such as burnout.

  • Time management: The skills and strategies employees use to prioritize tasks, allocate time effectively, and accomplish their goals within deadlines. Effective time management helps employees balance competing demands, reduce stress, and increase productivity and job satisfaction.
  • Work endurance: An employee's ability to maintain focus, energy, and motivation while handling their workload over an extended period. It encompasses physical, mental, and emotional resilience, as well as the capacity to manage stress and adapt to challenging situations.