High employee engagement contributes to an organization's success and the success of every individual contributor. In today's competitive job market, it is more important than ever to build a culture that enables a motivated and engaged workforce. This blog post will give you ideas and examples of activities to boost employee engagement for your organization.

Key Benefits of Employee Engagement Activities

Employee engagement activities help create a positive work environment where employees feel valued, respected, and appreciated. They also foster a sense of community among employees, leading to increased collaboration and teamwork. Employee engagement activities should also improve employee satisfaction and, when designed right, work-life balance.

Top Employee Engagement Activities to Motivate Your Workforce

There is no one-size-fits all answer to boosting employee engagement. Each organization and workforce is unique, so it’s important to understand the current sentiment employees and the dynamic of the work culture in order to design the right activities and initiatives. Get creative and personalize these activities to fit your organization:

Flexible Work Arrangements

Providing employees with flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting and flexible schedules, can increase job satisfaction and work-life balance. A 2022 study by Slack revealed that 80% of workers want flexibility in work location and 94% want flexible work hours. How can your organization provide people more flexible options?

Employee Recognition Programs

These programs acknowledge and reward employees for their hard work and contributions to the organization. They can include awards, certificates, bonuses, and public recognition. But a simple acknowledgement of a job well done–right when it’s done–already goes a long way. How can you encourage managers to better acknowledge the valuable work of individual contributors? Is there a simple way to institutionalize this, without adding to their already full plate?

Professional Development Opportunities

Providing opportunities for employees to learn and grow in their careers is an effective way to engage them. This can include training sessions, conferences, mentorship programs, and tuition reimbursement. Did you know that online training tools can utilize AI to gauge learners' performance, identify skills, and pinpoint knowledge gaps in an organization? AI technology can now be used to make it easier and more efficient to address knowledge gaps and empower employees to enhance their skills in the process.

Wellness Programs

Wellness programs promote employee health and well-being. They can include gym memberships, healthy food options, and stress reduction programs.

Team Building Activities

Team building activities foster a sense of community and collaboration among employees. They can include outdoor activities, group projects, and social events. At Erudit, a 100% remote workforce, it can be as simple as getting together for face-to-face work time every quarter. Cooking and barbecuing together, plus conquering a challenging escape room, are a bonus!

Employee Engagement Activities for Remote Workers

Employee engagement activities for remote workers and in-office workers should be approached differently because remote workers have unique challenges that may affect their engagement level and the way they work. Remote workers often struggle with isolation, lack of connection with colleagues, and difficulty separating work and personal life. In contrast, in-office workers may have more opportunities for face-to-face interaction and may feel more connected to the workplace culture. Here are ten ideas to boost engagement for remote workers. Consider these activities and make them your own:

Virtual Team Building Activities

Virtual team building activities, such as online games, video conferences, and virtual happy hours, can help remote workers feel connected to their team. Think of ways to strengthen social bonds between coworkers. Remember, a strong support system is one of the strongest burnout busters.

Regular Check-ins with Managers and Colleagues

Video conference check-ins with managers and colleagues and opportunities for virtual social interaction, such as virtual happy hours or game nights, are more opportunities to feel connected and supported by co-workers. One-on-ones also serve as an opportunity to be open about true sentiments about work, giving managers the opportunity to better support each member of their team.

Flexible Work Arrangements and Breaks

Without the physical separation of a physical office, remote workers may find it harder to disconnect and take a mental break from work. Additionally, remote work often requires more independent decision-making and self-management, which can be mentally exhausting and may lead to burnout. Taking regular breaks throughout the day can help remote workers re-energize, refocus, and maintain their mental health while boosting engagement.

Online Training and Development

Providing remote workers with online training and development opportunities can help them improve their skills and advance their careers.

Face-to-face Time

Why not invest in a face-to-face work trip and team building session? These provide an opportunity for remote workers to build personal connections, which can help to improve communication, trust, and overall team morale. Additionally, team building sessions can provide an avenue for remote workers to engage in activities and experiences that may not be possible in a virtual setting, such as outdoor team-building activities or shared meals.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Employee Engagement Activities

While employee engagement activities can be beneficial, there are common mistakes that organizations should avoid. These include:

Lack of Communication

Communicating the purpose and benefits of employee engagement activities is crucial. Failure to communicate can result in disengagement and lack of participation.

One-Size-Fits-All Approach

Employee engagement activities should be tailored to the specific needs and preferences of employees. A one-size-fits-all approach is not effective.

Inconsistent Implementation

Consistency in implementing employee engagement activities is essential. Inconsistent implementation can result in confusion and disengagement.

Lack of Follow-Up

Following up on employee engagement activities is important. Failure to follow up can result in employees feeling undervalued and unappreciated.

Measuring the Success of Your Employee Engagement Efforts

It is important to measure the success of employee engagement activities to ensure that they have a positive impact on the workforce. Measuring the success of your initiatives helps to identify what is working and what is not, allowing HR teams to adjust their strategies accordingly. It shows employees that their feedback and engagement are valued by the company. Some ways to measure success include:

Employee Feedback

Gathering feedback from employees can provide valuable insight into the effectiveness of engagement activities.

Performance Metrics

Performance metrics, such as productivity and absenteeism rates, can indicate the effectiveness of engagement activities.

Turnover Rates

Reduced turnover rates can indicate the success of engagement activities.

Employee Engagement Surveys

Employee engagement surveys can be conducted on various schedules, depending on the organization's needs and goals. Some companies conduct surveys annually, while others may choose to do them quarterly or bi-annually.

Survey-free AI Tech

Erudit allows you to check engagement levels of each team everyday, without conducting a single survey. The platform also measures employee sentiment on key dimensions of the organizational culture, such as job satisfaction, work autonomy, alignment, and more, all with real-time data. Read more about measuring engagement with AI in this psychology research paper.

Employee Engagement Software - How It Can Help You

Employee engagement software can help organizations streamline their engagement efforts. Traditional employee engagement software can provide a centralized platform for communication, recognition, and feedback. On the other hand, AI-powered employee engagement software can provide timely and actionable insights into employee engagement levels to ensure that the time and budget invested in engagement initiatives are not wasted.


Prioritizing the health and happiness of a company's greatest asset - its people - is crucial to success. Employee engagement activities can enhance productivity, satisfaction, and well-being, leading to a more thriving workplace. Customize engagement activities to the specific needs and preferences of employees and be sure to measure the success of engagement initiatives to keep them effective.

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